We have found a curious new animal. It has small hoofs with stiff buff colored hair, large eyes and small pronged horns. And it fast to! Private Colter swore that it could outrun a musket ball, this was proved wrong but it sure seemed like it could. We have also discovered a new animal, it looked like a little rat, but one of the french sailors who was with us said that it was called a prairie dog. Captain Clark insisted that president Jefferson get a specimen. Here's the catch, he wanted it alive. We were all jumping and making fools out of ourselves trying to catch this little animal, we tried to dig it out of its burrow but gave up after digging six feet and not seeing hid nor hair of the little fellow. Then it was suggested that we water them out. So we heaved up two tubs of water to the prairie dog town and dumped it down the hole. In just a few minutes the soaked little fellow came up out of its hole. Someone snatched him up and captain Clark put him into a box where he would be safe until next spring when ( god willing) we would return home and president Jefferson could get a look at him.
prairie dog ☝
cool maybe add some pictures
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