Tuesday, March 10, 2009

dear captain john

dear captain john,
i think that i would be a good addition to the rediscovery crew for my talents of talking alot, i used it when my dad was falling asleep in the car but he was driving and we had to be on time to get home so i just talked and talked so he stayed awake =). my other talent is medical care. when my fathers friend had pain in his arm and numbness and trouble seeing i told him he was goingt o have a stroke so he went to the hospital. I hope to discover people who talk as much as i do and have quality things to talk about. and different typs of medicine and diseases. not like poeple getting them but learning about them and learning how to treat them.

1 comment:

John SB said...

Sammie, how was your birthday? How is your arm? I hope your southwestern soujourn was too much of a death march.

Your crew needs you to finish your description of each of them by Monday night so we can proceed west.

See you in a couple days.